NEW Green™ System ✨
Green™ nail polish, the clean alternative to traditional nail polish without compromising on durability!
This is why we developed Système Green™: the brand new long-lasting manicure routine
lasting up to 7 days with rapid drying in the open air, and without a lamp!
🌱 Vegan & Plant-based up to 83%
🌟 Dries without a lamp, air-dries
💅 Long-wear for +7 days
Boosted hold, accelerated drying
2 new products to improve the hold and reduce the drying time of your Green™ nail polish by half.

Revolutionise your polish routine for 7 days of wear without a lamp!
New formulas for 2024 ✨
Re-discover the essential Green™ enriched with ultra-high-performance treatments and active ingredients.
Apply the Nail Prep on bare and prepared nails with a cotton pad.
The Nail Prep removes any traces of cream, oil or other impurities.
1 l Base Coat
1 thin layer + cap the nail
Protects the nails, and increases the wear time of your manicure.
2 l GreenTM nail polish
2 thin layers + cap the nail
Its formula is certified Vegan and up to
84% plant-based.
3 l Sunshine Top Coat
1 thin layer + cap the nail
Ensures an ultra-long wear and an
incredible shine.
Apply a Drying Drop on each nail after the Top Coat.
Ultra-precise application thanks to a push button dropper.
The Drying drops make your Green manicure dry 2x faster ! Enriched with ceramides, the Drying Drops provide nourishment to the nails and cuticles.
Collection Système Green
Une routine jusqu’à 83% bio-sourcée
découvrez nos supers ingrédients
Canne à sucre
Extrait de la canne à sucre, l'ethyl acetate garantit la fluidité et la facilité d'application de nos vernis.
Extrait du maïs, l'acetyl tributyl citrate permet au vernis de former une couche lisse et brillante.
Extrait du manioc, le butyl acetate garantit la fluidité et la facilité d'application de nos vernis.